Typology: Member and partner of REGENERATION MATRIX and extensions.
Aims of the structure:
I. The vision
- Live in a world free from violence and discrimination in all their forms, based on respect for rights, human dignity and the gender approach.
The AVPVEO is intended for (d ’) missions:
– Denounce cases of violations of human rights and International Humanitarian Law,
– Train illiterate women, girls and men in business matters
– Train illiterate people (Women, Girls and young men) in the literacy program
– Train Christian activists in Human Rights Law within Religious Communities,
– Supervise young people to know and put into action their responsibilities in their families and in society to fight against delinquency and unemployment
– Train women and girls behind in schooling in literacy and cutting and sewing
– Train Christians and religious leaders on citizen participation in the politics and development of the country by establishing credible, dignified and responsible leadership,
– Set up a framework for discussion and advocacy between juniors and leaders,
– Advocate for Christians who do not have sufficient knowledge of the Law,
– Carry out actions to promote the integral development of communities
– Train the peasants in the word of God to bring them to salvation
– Open normal schools (nursery, primary, secondary, university and professional level
In order to achieve its mandate, mission and vision, the AVPVEO organization has set itself the following objectives:
II. Objectives of avpveo asbl
a). Global objectives:
- Contribute and promote the rights of the child, monitor, report cases Incidents of abuse, violations and insecurities in the community and community development
- Promote sexual health and reproduction
- Legal support and judiciire
- Contribute, within the community, to the promotion and protection of children, the defense rights humans and development as well as the protection of victims of rights violations human.
- Promote community development to fight against poor living conditions by creating jobs in various fields.
b). Specific objectives:
- Create a framework for permanent consultation member associations with a view to exchanging with each other and with other key players on answers to specific questions related to defense of rights humans, people victims of violations of their rights and their rehabilitation and development
- Train young people to become recos and community leaders to be good leaders in society and know the law which governs the country.
- Strengthen and improve the capacities of AVPVEO members on essential notions of human rights, techniques for monitoring violations of the rights of women and children, protection mechanisms and securing human rights defenders and on other specific human rights issues and the protection of victims of sexual violence and environmental degradation;
- Carry out advocacy and lobbying actions to obtain ‘improvement of the situation defenders victims of sexual violence, torture, threats, prosecution and especially children marginalized, minority, vulnerable (Batwa, senior citizens, widowers,
- Fight against ignorance of notions of human rights and International Humanitarian Law,
- Supervise the vulnerable (widowers, widows, orphans, victims of all kinds and violations),
- Promote food security and the environment in the world
- Peacefully manage the various conflicts tending to block the development process with lasting impact;
- Improve the different cultures in rural and urban areas
- Organize training and post-training follow-ups to improve skills in various fields;
- Denounce all human rights violence by fighting against human rights violations, violence against women and children’s rights as well as the fight for the reduction of small arms and light weapons
- Contribute to the integral development for a self-support of the Communities in favor of the peoples living below the poverty line and create for them different ministries, companies and cooperatives,
- Fight corruption within the communities themselves,
- Support psychologically and socially the victims of sexual violence, torture and disaster,
- Promote literacy, haircut and sewing to illiterate women, girls and men;
- Create and Strengthen the construction of centers learning, primary, secondary and university schools wherever there is need, provide kits and homes with funds in advance,
- Provide support to vulnerable marginalized denounce and actively oppose but peaceful all violations of rights of the man carrying where it will be committed
- Intervene for the cases of refugees, displaced of wars and catastrophes,
- Creation of community radios and construction of dams,
- Intervening in the arts and cultures,
- Train the trainers of trainers, < / li>
- Provide technical, material and financial support to all categories vulnerable, marginalized & nbsp; and discriminated against (widowed women, persons of 3rd Age, albino or living with a physical handicap, unaccompanied orphaned children, victims of family disorders, marginalized pygmies, discriminated against and stigmatized because of their despicable ethnicity and children living in conflict ethnicities).
- Contribute to the improvement of the human rights situation at all levels, consolidation or a being of right to promote peace and post-conflict development. < / li>
- Improve agriculture, fishing and livestock for community development
- Protect the Environment at Local and National level (fight erosion at the source, by planting trees wherever there is need and fight against global warming and sanitation (water supply),
- Train young people in the notions of good governance, Christianity, leadership and take charge to be responsible and leader in the community.
- Establish and manage a database relating to women’s skills;
- Carry out socioeconomic studies and evaluations in order to produce information specific to its subjects of interests;
- Contribute to the capacity building of women and girls in the community
Create and promote mutuality through micro finance and microinsurance for young girls and women in the form of Mutualité de Solidarité (MUSO),
Promote the talents and activities of women and girls,
design and use methodological support tools (intellectual properties of AVPVEO) to promote the emancipation of women through the creation of economic and social activities;
Set up special funds with credit and / or payment institutions with a view to setting up programs intended to promote and support the objectives of AVPVEO
c). Mission of AVPVEO:
Contribute, within the community, to the promotion and protection of children, the defense rights human rights and development as well as the protection of victims of human rights violations humans, disasters, epidemics or pandemicsand sexual violence through their work.
The NGO AVPVEO aims to be the main areas of intervention:
-Citizen, professional, democratic and good governance training
-Literacy and cutting and sewing
– Food safety and Environment
-Christian education on human rights and International Humanitarian Law,
-Education to professional maintenance, to Justice, Peace, Non-Violence, reconciliation and peaceful Cohabitation,
-Legal and legal assistance,
– Assistance to orphaned and vulnerable children
-Capacity building on leadership and management,
-Health and psychosocial,
– Training in the commercial, spiritual, social and other fields
-Assistance (All areas)
-Fishing and Livestock
-Gender, development and humanitarian aid
AVPVEO intervenes for the framing people vulnerable and orphaned children through clothing, food and school assistance and by providingof Income Generating Activities (IGA) to its beneficiaries.
III. Les Zones d’intervention de l’organisation AVPVEO
– Uvira
– Fizi dans la province de Sud Kivu et
Dans la Nouvelle Province de Tanganika :
• Kalemie
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